Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Flowerpot peeker . . .

This darling Bugaboo girl has found a cute hiding spot, among the flowers, ladybugs and butterfly.  I've simply die cut framed around my colored image and added a 3D ladybug at the bottom corner and this card headed off to Bring Smiles To Seniors - a wonderful charity that you may want to check into yourself and become a part of.

I've entered these challenges:
Catch the Bug - color challenge
Crafty Catz - AG/hats
Double Trouble - 3+ colors (red, yellow, green, blue)


  1. A sweet and pretty card, love the cute image and bright bold colours. Thanks for joining us at Catch the Bug this week.

  2. The frames are so pretty around your adorable image...lovely coloring picking up a little yellow to pop with the yellow background. Thanks again for sharing your adorable card with us at Double Trouble.

  3. Oh so cute. Great Bugaboo image. Thanks for sharing over at Crafty Catz (and Catch the bug)

  4. Thank you for sharing your flowerpot girl with us at Double Trouble, Lillian! She's adorable. Great job coloring the image! -Donna

  5. How cute!! I love the colors you chose and the lacy edges of those dies too. So glad you played with us at Double Trouble! :)
