Monday, October 17, 2016

Triple art gallery surprise

This is a different posting for me, but one that gives me BIG smiles!   My sweet email friend, Pat, requested cards for her great-grandson that broke his leg, so I jumped on the bandwagon for that, but also couldn't ignore his twin brother and older sister, so sent cards/surprises to all of them.   These photos and art were sent to me in return by their mother, Kim, and of course, I had to display them on my refrigerator -- it's a beautiful art gallery with smiling faces!  I attached their photo to each of their fabulous creations.   Thank YOU, Kim and Jeremy, along with Maya, Charlie and Brady -- stay happy and keep on smiling those fantastic smiles -- sending you BIG HUGS over the miles !!  You just never know when the mail carrier will be delivering more happy cards to you.


  1. Now THAT is an art gallery! Thank you for posting, the little ones will be so proud, and II will pass the blog info to them. They did a great job! Thanks again. Hugs, Pat
