Talk about being out of my "comfort zone" -- this is really new (and kinda scary) to me -- you know the saying about "old dogs and new tricks" - yup, that's ME, just not sure what kinda dog I am (besides old, that is - lol) . . .
Anyhow, this is my very FIRST posting, so bear with me through any and all mistakes you may find.
Of course, being one of the moderators on the Magnolia yahoo group, led me to choosing Tilda as my very first card creation to share with you. I like making cards, BUT I don't like taking the time to write out detailed instructions of how it was done, or what I used -- I try to stay a bit organized, therefore, my supplies are "pooled" together - so, it matters not to me what company this or that came from -- I just like it for the "looks". So, as you can tell, I'm not going to be the "usual blogger". I'm here to share some of my cards and just have a good time - so, sit back, relax and hope you enjoy the viewing . . .
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