Should probably have warned you to put sunglasses on for this bright card -- but it's probably brighter in real life than what the scan shows! And again, stickles was added to the flowers, but the glitz won't show up here. Hedgehogs - one of my favorite images by PennyBlack.
oh, so cute!!! so relaxing!!!
That guy has the right idea! He is so cute, and I love your color selection!
AWHH HOW STICKIN CUTE!! OH reminds me of summer and tanning my ghost legs lol!! very cute Lillian!!Sorry i haven't been here i've been sick and sorta lost.I have forgotten to do some things.I almost forgot i'm suppoist to work onn a DT CARD LOL!!! GOTTA GO.TILL NEXT TIME LOL!!((hugs))RuibyM:)